In the hustle and bustle of life, sometimes we forget the simple joys, like the pure love between a child and their parents. As we grow, the ways we express that love evolve, but the essence remains unchanged.

As kids, we couldn't contain our excitement around our parents. Every moment with them was filled with laughter, hugs, and kisses. But as we mature, our independence grows, and our interactions become less frequent. For many, like me, seeing parents becomes a rare occasion, maybe once or twice a year.

The phone calls become less frequent too. But it doesn't mean our love diminishes; it just finds new ways to show itself. Take little India, for example. Her excitement at her dad's return is palpable. It's Thanksgiving, and she's eagerly awaiting him with her mom, expressing her love and gratitude for him. When he finally arrives, her joy knows no bounds.

In a heartwarming scene, India rushes to her dad, her eyes sparkling with excitement. In her innocent enthusiasm, she momentarily forgets what she wanted to do. But with her mom's gentle reminder, she dives into her dad's arms, showering him with affectionate cuddles. Watching this adorable moment, you can't help but feel a tug at your heartstrings.

It's a reminder of the simple yet profound bond between parents and children. It's easy to get caught up in the complexities of adult life, but sometimes, all it takes is a warm hug and an "I love you" to strengthen that bond. And it turns out, those hugs aren't just good for the soul; they're good for your health too.

Studies have shown that hugs can lower blood pressure and boost your immune system. So, why not take a cue from India and show your loved ones some affection?

Whether it's your parents, siblings, or friends, expressing your love in any way that feels right is what matters most. And who knows, those cuddles might just become the highlight of your day.