Money falls from the balcony for jobless man blessed by God

Money falls from the balcony for jobless man blessed by God

At the Asbury Revival, miracles seem to be raining down as testimonies of blessings continue to pour in. The atmosphere is charged with the tangible presence of God, and lives are being transformed.

It all began with a routine chapel service at Asbury University, where students gathered in expectation of something extraordinary. Little did they know, the Holy Spirit was about to sweep through the campus in a powerful way.

"We've been praying for revival, but we never imagined it would be like this," shared one student in an interview.

Since that chapel service on February 8th, the Asbury Revival has drawn crowds from far and wide, spanning generations. From infants to the elderly, people from all walks of life have been touched by what many describe as a taste of heaven.

Amidst the multitude of testimonies, one stands out—a touching moment when the Lord prompted attendees to bless a jobless man. From the balcony of the Asbury University auditorium, money rained down onto the stage as a gesture of divine provision.

"I heard the Lord say, 'I want to do something for this guy,'" recounted a witness. "So, I called out to him and threw the money. Then, others followed suit, and soon the stage was covered in blessings."

May this revival at Asbury spark a global awakening, changing lives and spreading hope to millions around the world.

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(via YOUTUBE - Evangel World Prayer Center)

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Money falls from the balcony for jobless man blessed by God

Money falls from the balcony for jobless man blessed by God

At the Asbury Revival, miracles seem to be raining down as testimonies of blessings continue to pour in. The atmosphere is charged with the tangible presence of God, and lives are being transformed.

It all began with a routine chapel service at Asbury University, where students gathered in expectation of something extraordinary. Little did they know, the Holy Spirit was about to sweep through the campus in a powerful way.

"We've been praying for revival, but we never imagined it would be like this," shared one student in an interview.

Since that chapel service on February 8th, the Asbury Revival has drawn crowds from far and wide, spanning generations. From infants to the elderly, people from all walks of life have been touched by what many describe as a taste of heaven.

Amidst the multitude of testimonies, one stands out—a touching moment when the Lord prompted attendees to bless a jobless man. From the balcony of the Asbury University auditorium, money rained down onto the stage as a gesture of divine provision.

"I heard the Lord say, 'I want to do something for this guy,'" recounted a witness. "So, I called out to him and threw the money. Then, others followed suit, and soon the stage was covered in blessings."

May this revival at Asbury spark a global awakening, changing lives and spreading hope to millions around the world.

Watch the video here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via YOUTUBE - Evangel World Prayer Center)